
Looking Glass 3d Live Cd 2.5

in the train of us concocter is a prototype of Desktop for Gnu/Linux and Solaris. For the experts of MacosX and widgets Quartz, the effect is with not very ready the same one, with a more thorough tone for the 3d. One finds even famous Dock of MacosX. This one will enable us to manage our windows in an environment in 3d, to turn around, arrange the windows the ones with the top of the others, management of the advanced transparency. Programmed as Java, animations are seizing. An environment to make dribble more fervants admirors of MacosX. See it video by yourself.

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Suse Linux 9.1

Appeared at the end of October 2000, this version is intended as its name indicates it to the waiters, this version paying and is clearly directed undertaken, this just version of the software owners. Is SLES paying, its price is around the 350? but varies according to the subscribed support. A new version leaves approximately every year and half but that can vary up to two years.

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SLAX Standard Edition v 5.1.7

SLAX KillBill Edition v 5.1.6